Practice Daily Appreciation

Expressing appreciation is a powerful tool for strengthening your relationship. It builds fondness and admiration, key components of a lasting partnership.

Why It Matters

  • Counteracts negativity bias
  • Increases feelings of value and respect
  • Encourages more positive behaviours
  • Improves overall relationship satisfaction

How to Practice

  1. Be specific: “Thanks for making dinner” is good, “I appreciate how you made my favourite dish when I had a tough day” is better.
  2. Express regularly: Aim for at least one genuine expression of appreciation daily.
  3. Notice small things: Appreciate everyday actions, not just grand gestures.
  4. Use “I” statements: “I appreciate…” or “I’m grateful for…” makes it more personal.

Exercise: Appreciation Journal

  1. Each day, write down three things you appreciate about your partner.
  2. At the end of the week, share your lists with each other.
  3. Discuss how it feels to give and receive appreciation.

Common Pitfalls

  • Being vague or general
  • Only appreciating big actions
  • Forgetting to express appreciation regularly
  • Using appreciation manipulatively

Remember, genuine appreciation builds a culture of respect and fondness in your relationship.